Thursday, March 30, 2006

List Insert Based on CompareTo

Here's some code I've had to write more than once. It inserts something into a list at a position based on the compareTo method. Consequently the element inserted must imlpement this.

public void addElement(MyElement aElement)
List myElementsList = this.getMyList();

// Check that the list exists
if (myElementsList == null)
myElementsList = new ArrayList();

// Check that the list is not empty
if (myElementsList.size() == 0)
myElementsList.add(0, aElement); // add the element at the beginning

MyElement currentElement;

for (int index = 0 ; index < myElementsList.size() ; index++)
currentElement = (myElement) myElementsList.get(index);

// if the current element has the same compareTo value as the element to be added
if (currentElement.compareTo(aElement) == 0)
// The hearing is already in the list. Take no further action and return
// else if the current element is before the element to be added
else if (currentElement.compareTo(aElement) < 0)
myElementsList.add(index, aElement);

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