Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Adding a New User to Websphere Portal 5.x and Letting them Access a Page

Documentation not great. To create a user, and let them see your page, do as follows:

1. On the login screen click the "Sign Up" link
2. Add your users details
3. Click "OK" to create the user
4. Login as the admin user
5. Click on the "Administration" link in the top right hand corner
6. Select the "Access" section on the left hand side
7. Click on "User and Group Permissions"
8. Search for your new User by UID
9. Select your users "edit" icon (the pencil) under select resource type
10. Select "Pages"
11. For the "Content Root" page, click the "assign access" icon (the key)
12. Tick the "user" box
13. Click "Done"
14. Click on the [user uid] breadcrumb to get back to the recources to allocate access to page
15. Click the "portlets" link
16. For each portlet you need to asssign access to, find it, click the "assign access" icon (the key), tick the "user" box and click "Done"

You should now be able to log in as the user, navigate to the page (if required) and see the portlets you have allowed user access to.

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